有一个 BaseController 并使所有控制器都扩展该类是个好主意吗?

2021-12-29 00:00:00 php zend-framework classnotfound

我需要所有控制器中的一些通用行为.有一个 BaseController 并使所有控制器都扩展该类是个好主意吗?如果是这样,避免 Fatal error: Class 'BaseController' not found 错误的正确方法是什么.

I need some common behaviors in all controllers. Is a good idea have a BaseController and make all controllers extend that class? If so, What is the correct way to avoid the Fatal error: Class 'BaseController' not found error.



It's certainly a common approach.

但是一篇文章由采埃孚项目负责人 Matthew Weier O'Phinney 撰写 解释了 action-helpers 如何以更大的灵活性提供相同的好处.

But an article by ZF project lead Matthew Weier O'Phinney explains how action-helpers can provide the same benefits with more flexibility.


In particular, a common base controller often becomes a dumping ground for functionality that is used in multiple-but-not-all controllers, so it become overkill. Action-helpers are kind of a lazy-load alternative, invoking functionality precisely when and where you need it.

此外,action-helper 调度钩子 - init(), preDispatch()postDispatch() - 允许你自动化插件- 基于每个控制器的类似功能.

Also, the action-helper dispatch hooks - init(), preDispatch() and postDispatch() - allow you to automate plugin-like functionality on a per-controller basis.


I'd go action-helpers. But as with most things, YMMV. ;-)
