Zend 框架 2 推荐的错误处理方式

我注意到 Zend 提供的 Skeleton Application 不能处理 error 500.我知道在 ZF1 中有一个 ErrorController 来处理这个问题.我在网上做了一些研究,但没有找到明确的解决方案.

I noticed that the Skeleton Application that Zend provides does not handle error 500. I know that in ZF1 there was an ErrorController that took care of that. I have done some research online, but did not find a clear cut solution for this.

那么在 ZF2 中处理错误的最佳方法是什么?是基于每个模块还是某些全局异常/错误处理程序?

So what is the best way for error handling in ZF2. Would it be on per module basis or some global exception/error handler?

我知道另一种解决方案是将 ini_set('display_errors', true); 添加到我的 index.php 中,但我不太喜欢那个解决方案.框架似乎应该提供一些处理错误的方法.

I know that another solution would be to add ini_set('display_errors', true); to my index.php, but I don't really like that solution. It seems that the framework should provide some way for handling errors.



You can handle the exceptions in anyway you want after catching it as the following example in which you are catching the exception globally...:


In the onBootstrap method in your Module.php you can attach a function to execute when an event occurs, the following attach a function to be executed when an error (exception) is raised:

public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
    $application = $e->getApplication();
    $em = $application->getEventManager();
    //handle the dispatch error (exception) 
    $em->attach(endMvcMvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR, array($this, 'handleError'));
    //handle the view render error (exception) 
    $em->attach(endMvcMvcEvent::EVENT_RENDER_ERROR, array($this, 'handleError'));


and then define the function to handle the error in any way you want, the following is an example:

public function handleError(MvcEvent $e)
    //get the exception
    $exception = $e->getParam('exception');
    //...handle the exception... maybe log it and redirect to another page, 
    //or send an email that an exception occurred...
