2021-12-29 00:00:00 file-upload upload php zend-framework

我正在建立一个大型网站,允许会员上传最大 20MB 的内容(图片、视频)(可能比 15MB 小一点,我们还没有确定最终的上传限制,但会大约在 10-25MB 之间).

I am building a large website where members will be allowed to upload content (images, videos) up to 20MB of size (maybe a little less like 15MB, we haven't settled on a final upload limit yet but it will be somewhere between 10-25MB).

我的问题是,在这种情况下,我应该使用 HTTP 还是 FTP 上传.请记住,80-90% 的上传将是较小的尺寸,例如 cca 1-3MB,但有时某些成员也会想要上传大文件(10MB 以上).

My question is, should I go with HTTP or FTP upload in this case. Bear in mind that 80-90% of uploads will be smaller size like cca 1-3MB but from time to time some members will also want to upload large files (10MB+).

对于如此大的文件,HTTP 上传是否足够可靠,还是我应该使用 FTP?上传文件时,HTTP 和 FTP 之间是否存在明显的速度差异?

Is HTTP uploading reliable enough for such large files or should I go with FTP? Is there a noticeable speed difference between HTTP and FTP while uploading files?

我之所以这么问是因为我使用的是 Zend Framework,它已经有用于文件上传的 HTTP 适配器,如果我选择 FTP,我将不得不为它编写自己的适配器.

I am asking because I'm using Zend Framework which already has HTTP adapter for file uploads, in case I choose FTP I would have to write my own adapter for it.



HTTP 无疑给您的客户减轻了负担.许多地方都有阻止所有 FTP 流量(传入或传出)的代理或防火墙.

HTTP definitely puts less of a burden on your clients. A lot of places have proxies or firewalls that block all FTP traffic (in or out).
