学说 2 和 Zend 分页器

我想在 zend_paginator 中使用学说

i want to use doctrine with zend_paginator


$allArticleObj =$this->_em->getRepository('文章');$qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();

$allArticleObj = $this->_em->getRepository('Articles'); $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();

    $qb->add('select', 'a')
            ->add('from', 'Articles a')

是否有任何示例代码表明我们可以为 Dotct 2 查询构建器编写 zend_paginator 适配器?

is there any example code to show we can write a zend_paginator adapter for doctrine 2 query builder?



The upshot, of course, is that you have to implement the Zend_Paginator_Adapter_Interface, which essentially means implementing the two methods:


getItems($offset, $perPage)

您的适配器将接受 Doctrine 查询作为构造函数参数.

Your adapter would accept the Doctrine query as a constructor argument.

原则上,getItems() 部分实际上很简单.只需将 $offset$perPage 限制添加到查询中 - 正如您在示例中所做的 - 并执行查询.

In principle, the getItems() part is actually straightforward. Simply, add the $offset and $perPage restrictions to the query - as you are doing in your sample - and execute the query.

在实践中,count() 业务往往很棘手.我会遵循 Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect 的例子,用它们的 Doctrine 类似物替换 Zend_Db 操作.

In practice, it's the count() business that tends to be tricky. I'd follow the example of Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect, replacing the Zend_Db operations with their Doctrine analogues.
