Zend 框架:找不到模型类

2021-12-29 00:00:00 php zend-framework

尽管在 localhost 中一切正常.

The following exception is thrown on my server:
Fatal error: Class 'My_Model_Bo_User_Agenda_Doctors' not found in...
Though in localhost everything is working fine.


I checked that everything was correctly uploaded; all the files are present and not corrupted. I also tried to upload several times. So this doesn't seem to be the problem.


Any idea why a class couldn't be found on the server ?


您在问题中没有这么说,但我怀疑您是在 Windows 上开发并在 Linux 上托管.

You don't say so in your question, but I suspect that you are developing on windows and hosting on Linux.

Windows 对路径名不区分大小写,但 Linux 是!检查:-

Windows is not case sensitive to path names, but Linux is! Check that:-

  1. Doctors.php 不是doctors.php
  2. Agenda/是不是议程/.etc
  3. 最后检查类声明中的类名是否正确且大小写正确.
  1. Doctors.php is not doctors.php
  2. Agenda/ is not agenda/ .etc
  3. Lastly check the class name in the class declaration is correct and correctly cased.


Do not just think to yourself, yes I've done that, go and check them carefully. Believe me, bitter experience has taught me this problem is always due to a trivial oversight like this.
