为什么 Zend Framework 如此受欢迎?

2021-12-29 00:00:00 php zend-framework

我不是巨魔,我的目标也不是发起火焰战争;我也没有不尊重 Zend 框架的作者的意思:其中有很多优秀的工作.但是...我有一项工作要完成,我很难在 ZF 的流行与使用它构建应用程序的现实之间进行协调.我真的很想从其他人那里知道他们为什么使用 Zend Framework.

I'm not a troll and my goal isn't to start a flame war; neither do I mean to disrespect the authors of the Zend Framework: there is a lot of fine work in it. But... I have a job to get done and I'm having a hard time reconciling the popularity of ZF against the reality of building apps with it. I would really like to know from others why they use Zend Framework.

我对 PHP 世界还很陌生,但我已经用多种语言进行了大量编程.在阅读了许多教程并在其中构建了几个应用程序后,一些核心 Zend Framework 工具对我来说就像是 alpha 代码.对我来说,以下基本弱点似乎太过分了,无法考虑使用它部署应用程序 - 但一次又一次地建议 ZF 作为领先框架之一,如果不是领先框架.

I am fairly new to the PHP world but I've done a lot of programming in many languages. After reading many tutorials and building a couple of apps in it, some core Zend Framework facilities feel like alpha code to me. For me the following fundamental weaknesses, among others, would seem too overwhelming to consider deploying apps with it - but over and over again ZF is suggested as one of the, if not the leading framework.

首先让我说我发现 ZF 的大部分内容都是可行的.路由几乎可以正常工作,布局工具是可用的(尽管与 JSP/ASP 等模板系统非常不同),缓存工具等也是如此.社区中似乎有一种趋势,即填充大量建模(例如验证)和视图逻辑(例如 $this->headScript() - 为什么我的控制器必须关心我的视图需要哪个 js 文件?)但可能是使用问题而不是必然 框架的问题.

First let me say I find the much of ZF to be workable. Routing works pretty much as it should, the Layout facility is serviceable (though very different from templating systems such as JSP/ASP), as is the cache facility, etc. There seems to be a tendency in the community to stuff a lot of modeling (e.g. validation) and view logic (e.g. $this->headScript() - why should my controller have to care which js file my view requires?) into controllers but could be a matter of usage and not necessarily the framework's fault.

现在说说我在短时间内遇到的几个非常严重的 (IMO) 弱点.我不寒而栗地想象,如果我继续用它来构建,我将来会发现的其他领域.

Now for a couple of really serious (IMO) weaknesses I've experienced in my short time with it. I shudder to imagine the other areas I will discover in the future if I continue to build with it.

许多人似乎对缺乏对表单布局的控制感到不满.你怎么能有一个流行的框架来构建一个简单的表单需要这么多的讨论?问题 1和问题2.

似乎没有人真正了解如何简单地执行常规身份验证/授权.人们 [包括你真正的] 努力实现简单的访问控制.此外,该方法似乎倾向于序列化以实现持久性,而不是用户和权限的传统数据库存储.一个令人困惑的例子,增强设施的提案,教程 - 第一部分,和第二部分.伙计们,这太辛苦了!

2. Authentication/Authorization
No one really seems to understand how to simply perform routine authentication/authorization. People [including yours truly] struggle with implementing simple access control. Further, the approach seems to lean on serialization for persistence, rather than traditional database storage of users and permissions. A confusing example, a proposal to enhance the facility, a tutorial - part I, and part II. This is too much work guys!

我感知到的弱点是不是真的,或者不是问题?为什么或者为什么不?您为什么选择 Zend Framework(或不选择)?您是否发现其他领域非常痛苦,以至于您想放弃 ZF 以换取不同的方法?感谢您的意见.

Are my perceived weaknesses not real or somehow not a problem? Why or why not? Why did you choose Zend Framework (or not)? Are there other areas that you've found to be so painful that you want to dump ZF for a different approach? Thanks for your opinions.



Zend 的创始人 Andi Gutmans 和 ZeevSuraski 是 PHP 的主要贡献者

Zend's founders Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski are key contributors to PHP

他们拥有最完整的 php 框架之一.

And they have one of the most complete framework for php.



"Our language isn't as performant as it could be, so we made a framework with caching that makes it faster"

  • Zend 提供的大部分功能都可以完成没有 Zend.
  • 但是 Zend 的包是非常好的多合一"分发.
  • 他们提供认证和培训.
