在一行上显示 Zend_Form_Element_Radio

Zend Framework 中的单选按钮显示在一列中(每行一个选项).如何从标记中删除 br 标签,以便所有单选选项都在一行中?

The radio buttons in Zend Framework are displayed in a column (one option per line). How can I remove the br tag from the markup so that all radio options stay in one line?


private $radioDecorators = array(
    array(array('data' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'radio')),
    array(array('row' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'li')),


您需要在 Zend_Form_Element_Radio 对象上调用 setSeparator 方法,并传递它 ''.这是此处的示例:

You need to call the setSeparator method on the Zend_Form_Element_Radio object, passing it ''. Here's an example from here:


class CustomForm extends Zend_Form
  public function init()
    $gender = new Zend_Form_Element_Radio('gender');
        'male' => 'Male',
        'female' => 'Female'
