如何在 zend 框架中打印精确的 sql 查询?

2021-12-29 00:00:00 php mysql zend-framework zend-db


I have the following piece of code which i taken from model,

                  $select = $this->_db->select()
                 echo  $select; exit; // which gives exact mysql query.

当我在 zend 中使用更新查询时,

When i use update query in zend like ,

$up_value = array('billing'=> '0');
$this->update($up_value,'customer_id ='.$userid.' and address_id <> '.$data['address_Id']);      

在这里我想知道确切的 mysql 查询.有没有办法在 zend 中打印 mysql 查询?善意的建议

Here i want to know the exact mysql query. Is there any possible way to print the mysql query in zend ? kindly advice


选择对象在 Zend Framework 中具有 __toString() 方法.

Select objects have a __toString() method in Zend Framework.

来自 Zend 框架手册:

From the Zend Framework manual:

$select = $db->select()

$sql = $select->__toString();
echo "$sql

// The output is the string:
//   SELECT * FROM "products"

另一种解决方案是使用 Zend_Db_Profiler.即

An alternative solution would be to use the Zend_Db_Profiler. i.e.


// your code
$this->update($up_value,'customer_id ='.$userid.' and address_id <> '.$data['address_Id']); 


