有没有办法在 php 中的沙箱中执行 php 代码

2021-12-29 00:00:00 module php sandbox

我想从 php 执行一个 php 脚本,它将使用不同的常量和不同版本的已经定义的类.

I want to execute a php-script from php that will use different constants and different versions of classes that are already defined.

是否有沙箱 php_module 我可以:

Is there a sandbox php_module where i could just:

sandbox('script.php'); // run in a new php environment


include('script.php'); // run in the same environment

或者 proc_open() 是唯一的选择吗?

Or is proc_open() the only option?

PS:该脚本无法通过网络访问,因此 fopen('http://host/script.php') 不是一个选项.

PS: The script isn't accessible through the web, so fopen('http://host/script.php') is not an option.


有 runkit,但是你可能会发现通过命令行调用脚本更简单(使用 shell_exec),如果你不这样做需要主进程和子进程之间的任何交互.

There is runkit, but you may find it simpler to just call the script over the command line (Use shell_exec), if you don't need any interaction between the master and child processes.
