用于 PHP 的 OAuth 2.0 服务器

2021-12-29 00:00:00 oauth-2.0 security php

我一直在努力寻找一个支持 OAuth 2.0 作为服务器的活跃的开源 PHP 项目.有大量客户端示例连接到 Facebook、Twitter 等,但随着越来越多的人想要通过 API 公开他们自己的服务,我有点惊讶开源社区还没有解决这个需求.并不是说没有什么都没有,而是说大部分是过时的,几乎没有文档,并且在当前的开发和对话方面几乎没有活动.

I have been struggling to find an active open-source PHP project that supports OAuth 2.0 as a server. There are tons of client examples that connect to Facebook, Twitter, etc. but as more and more people want to expose their own services through an API I'm a bit surprised the open source community hasn't addressed this need already. It's not that there is nothing but what's there is mostly out-of-date, little-to-no documentation, and very little to no activity in terms of current development and conversation.


Am I missing a good open-source option out there? Does anyone know of any commercial options? I really need to get something in place soonish and I personally don't have the bandwidth or security credentials to tackle this problem myself.


经过大量搜索后,我相信我已经找到了适合 PHP 用户的最佳解决方案.意见不一,但这是我最喜欢的:

After much searching around I believe I have found the best solution for PHP'ers out there. Opinions are a dime a dozen but here's my favourite:



Very active, high quality conversation and a solid product along with good (and improving) documentation.
