使用 YoutubeApi v3 和 ouath2 在没有用户身份验证的情况下将视频上传到我的 Youtube 频道

我的任务的目标是创建一个控制台脚本,该脚本会将我自己网站上最近上传的视频插入到我自己的 Youtube 频道中.我想使用服务器到服务器的身份验证,但 YoutubeApi 现在不支持这种身份验证方式.

The goal of my task is to create a console script, which will insert recently uploaded videos on my own site to my own Youtube channel. I want to use server-to-server authentication but YoutubeApi does not support this way of authentication now.

所以我的问题是:如何在没有用户帮助的情况下使用带有控制台脚本的 oauth2 身份验证将视频上传到 youtube 频道?如果不使用已弃用的 ClientLogin 身份验证协议,有什么方法可以做到这一点吗?

So my question is: How could I upload video to youtube channel, using oauth2 authentication with console script without any help of a user? Is there any way to do this without using deprecated ClientLogin authentication protocol?



Yes this segment explains how to: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/moving_to_oauth#standalone


Basically, you go through once and save the token from there.

如果您甚至想跳过那一次,您可以在 OAuth2 Playground 中获取刷新令牌使用受尊重的范围并将其直接插入到您的代码中,并带有客户端密码和 ID.这样您的脚本就不需要网络浏览器了.

If you even want to skip that one time as well, you can get a refresh token in OAuth2 Playground with respected scopes and plug it in directly in your code, with client secret and id. That way your script won't need a web browser.

