如何扩展 Zend Navigation Menu View Helper?

我需要更改Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu 的输出.我找到了需要修改的两个函数,并且知道如何进行所需的更改.我不知道如何让 Navigation 对象使用我的视图助手而不是 Zend .

I need to change the output of Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu. I've found the two functions that I'll need to modify, and I know how to make the changes I need. What I don't know is how to make the Navigation object use my view helper instead of the Zend one.


Code snippet representing my class extension:

// file /library/My/View/Helper/Navigation/Menu.php
class My_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu extends Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu
    protected function _renderDeepestMenu(Zend_Navigation_Container $container,
        // modified code here

    protected function _renderMenu(Zend_Navigation_Container $container,
        // modified code here




  • 元素的类并删除 EOL 和缩进.菜单视图脚本没有选项可以做到这一点,这就是我必须扩展它的原因.

    I want to change the class of the <li> elements and remove the EOL and indentation. There are no options to do that with the menu view script, which is why I'll have to extend it.

    在我的 Bootstrap 中初始化导航对象:

    Initializing the navigation object in my Bootstrap:

    $navTable = new Default_Model_Site_DbTable_Navigation();
    $view = $this->getResource('view');
    $view->navigation(new Zend_Navigation($navTable->getNavigation()));


    Rendering the menu in my layout:

    echo $this->navigation()->menu();



    我通过如下重命名使其工作,但我不清楚为什么我不能重载/覆盖 _Menu 类和 menu() 函数.

    I got it working by renaming things as follows, but I am not clear on why I can't overload/overwrite the _Menu class and menu() function.

    1. 将类名更改为My_View_Helper_Navigation_MyMenu
    2. 在类中添加myMenu函数(return parent::menu($container);)
    3. 在布局中调用echo $this->navigation()->myMenu();


    // file /library/My/View/Helper/Navigation/MyMenu.php
    class My_View_Helper_Navigation_MyMenu extends Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu
        public function myMenu(Zend_Navigation_Container $container = null)
            return parent::menu($container);
        protected function _renderDeepestMenu(Zend_Navigation_Container $container,
            // modified code here
        protected function _renderMenu(Zend_Navigation_Container $container,
            // modified code here


          APPLICATION_ROOT . '/library/MyApp/View/Helper/Navigation',
    echo $this->navigation()->myMenu(); // name of your class

    来自:让 Zend_Navigation 菜单工作使用 jQuery 的鱼眼



    Sorry I've not seen your solution, it is exactly what I've posted.


    But why this is not a trully extension of menu class?

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