
2021-12-29 00:00:00 php zend-framework

Zend 框架中重定向和转发的区别是什么?

What is the difference between redirect and forward in Zend framework?


When we should use redirect and when should we use forward?


_forward() 只是将所有内容转发到另一个控制器操作,而 _redirect() 发送一个标头,这意味着您创建一个新的 HTTP 请求并使用它完成整个调度过程.

_forward() just forwards everything to another controller action, while _redirect() sends a header, meaning you create a new HTTP Request and go through the entire dispatch process with it.

例如,如果您调用 http://example.com/foo/bar 你会调用 foo 控制器和 bar 动作.如果您在 bar 操作内部转发到 baz 操作,例如在同一个请求中,浏览器仍然在同一个 URL 上,而在进行重定向时,ZF 会指示浏览器加载 http://example.com/foo/baz.

For instance, if you call up http://example.com/foo/bar you'd call the foo controller and bar action. If you forward inside the bar action to the baz action, e.g. within the very same request, the browser would still be on the same URL, while when doing a redirect, ZF would instruct the browser to load http://example.com/foo/baz.

本质上,_forward() 确实


_redirect() 确实

$this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl($url, $options);


I usually do redirects when I want to prevent reload a page resulting in reposting form data.


  • Zend 框架,$this->_forward 正在做什么
  • http://osdir.com/ml/php.zend.framework.mvc/2007-09/msg00038.html
  • http:///framework.zend.com/svn/framework/standard/trunk/library/Zend/Controller/Action/Helper/Redirector.php
