Laravel 中 View Composer 和 Creator 的区别?

2021-12-29 00:00:00 php laravel laravel-4 view

根据 Laravel 4 文档.



View composers are callbacks or class methods that are called when a view is rendered. If you have data that you want bound to a given view each time that view is rendered throughout your application, a view composer can organize that code into a single location. Therefore, view composers may function like "view models" or "presenters".

View::composer('profile', function($view)
    $view->with('count', User::count());




View creators work almost exactly like view composers; however, they are fired immediately when the view is instantiated. To register a view creator, simple use the creator method

View::creator('profile', function($view)
    $view->with('count', User::count());



当您使用 View::creator 时,您有机会覆盖控制器中的视图变量.像这样:

When you use View::creator you have the chance to override the variables of view in the controller. Like this:

View::creator('layout', function($view) {
    $view->with('foo', 'bar');

// in controller
return View::make('layout')->with('foo', 'not bar at all');

// it's defined as 'not bar at all' in the view


View::composer('hello', function($view) {
    $view->with('foo', 'bar');

// in controller
return View::make('hello')->with('foo', 'not bar at all');

// it's defined as 'bar' in the view
