file_exists() 的 PHP 不区分大小写版本

2021-12-29 00:00:00 file file-io php

我正在考虑在 PHP 中实现不区分大小写的 file_exists 函数的最快方法.我最好的办法是枚举目录中的文件并进行 strtolower() 与 strtolower() 的比较,直到找到匹配项?

I'm trying to think of the fastest way to implement a case insensitive file_exists function in PHP. Is my best bet to enumerate the file in the directory and do a strtolower() to strtolower() comparison until a match is found?


我使用了评论中的源代码来创建这个函数.如果找到则返回完整路径文件,否则返回 FALSE.

I used the source from the comments to create this function. Returns the full path file if found, FALSE if not.


Does not work case-insensitively on directory names in the filename.

function fileExists($fileName, $caseSensitive = true) {

    if(file_exists($fileName)) {
        return $fileName;
    if($caseSensitive) return false;

    // Handle case insensitive requests            
    $directoryName = dirname($fileName);
    $fileArray = glob($directoryName . '/*', GLOB_NOSORT);
    $fileNameLowerCase = strtolower($fileName);
    foreach($fileArray as $file) {
        if(strtolower($file) == $fileNameLowerCase) {
            return $file;
    return false;
