在 PHP 5.3 和 Windows Vista 中使用日语文件名?

2021-12-28 00:00:00 unicode windows utf-8 php

我目前正在尝试编写一个在文件夹中查找的简单脚本,并返回 RSS 提要中所有文件名的列表.但是,我遇到了主要问题...每当我尝试读取包含日文字符的文件名时,它都会将它们显示为 ?'s.我已经尝试过这里提到的解决方案:php readdir question with japanese language file名称 - 但是由于某种原因它们不起作用,即使是:

I'm currently trying to write a simple script that looks in a folder, and returns a list of all the file names in an RSS feed. However I've hit a major wall... Whenever I try to read filenames with Japanese characters in them, it shows them as ?'s. I've tried the solutions mentioned here: php readdir problem with japanese language file name - however they do not work for some reason, even with:

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF8');


At the top (Exporting as plain text until I can sort this out).


What can I do? I need this to work and I don't have much time.


您可以在 PHP 中完成.编写一个小的 C 程序来读取目录并从 PHP 调用该程序.

You can do it in PHP. Write a small C program to read directories and call that program from PHP.

