将 html 表转换为 php 数组的最快方法是什么?

2021-12-28 00:00:00 arrays html-table php html

在最新版本的 php 中是否有专门设计用于帮助完成此任务的内置函数?

are there build in functions in latest versions of php specially designed to aid in this task ?


使用 DOM 解析器,如 SimpleXML 将 HTML 代码拆分为节点,并遍历节点构建数组.

Use a DOM parser like SimpleXML to split the HTML code into nodes, and walk through the nodes to build the array.

对于损坏/无效的 HTML,SimpleHTMLDOM 更宽松(但它不是内置的).

For broken/invalid HTML, SimpleHTMLDOM is more lenient (but it's not built in).
