如何通过 PHP 将 3 个图像合并为 1 个图像?

2021-12-27 00:00:00 merge image php gd


I really cannot find a way to successfully do it.. I've searched google for this and it either has black shades around the images or all the images don't overlap. Could you please help?

我擅长 PHP;我会给自己 2/5.. 如果有人愿意帮助我,我真的很感激.

I am alright at PHP; I'd give myself a 2/5.. I would really appreciate if someone would be willing to help me out.

我正在寻找一个简单的 api,类似于:

I'm looking for a simple api that goes something like:


echo '<img src="avatar.php?color=$color&face=$face&hat=$hat">';

提前感谢您的任何帮助.我也可以通过我对其他语言的了解来理解 php,所以不要害怕和我谈论技术;但不要太技术化.

Thanks for any help in advance. I can understand php from my knowledge of other languages, too, so don't be afraid to talk technical with me; but not too technical.



there are so many comments on this answer so I'm posting this as an answer.


Got it working on my pc.


    $images = array( $_GET['color'], $_GET['face'], $_GET['hat'] );

    // Allocate new image
    $img = imagecreatetruecolor(58, 75);
    // Make alpha channels work
    imagealphablending($img, true);
    imagesavealpha($img, true);

    foreach($images as $fn) {
        // Load image
        $cur = imagecreatefrompng($fn);
        imagealphablending($cur, true);
        imagesavealpha($cur, true);

        // Copy over image
        imagecopy($img, $cur, 0, 0, 0, 0, 58, 75);

        // Free memory

    header('Content-Type: image/png');  // Comment out this line to see PHP errors



I renamed your images like this so its easier :


smile : a.png
headset : b.png
blue : c.png


重命名图像后,使用此 url -- 它将起作用(在我的 PC 上起作用).

after you rename the images, use this url -- it will work(works on my pc).



这仍然会给你一个黑色的背景.我不确定您在服务器上的文件中是否具有与上述完全相同的代码 - 因为我在您的链接上使用了图像顺序,但它没有帮助.尝试将此完全相同的代码复制粘贴到不同的文件上,然后尝试.处理订单并检查结果.

This will still give you a black background. I am not sure if you have the exact same code as above in your file on the server - because I played around with the image order on your link and it does not help. Try copy-pasting this exact same code on a different file and then trying. Play around with the order and check the results.
