如何在 Windows 上使用命令行访问 PHP?

我正在尝试学习如何从命令行 (CLI) 访问 PHP 脚本

I am trying to learn how to access PHP scripts from the command line (CLI)

下面是我尝试的图片,请帮忙.我运行的是 Windows 7

Below is an image from my attempt, please help. I am running Windows 7


您需要将您的 PHP 安装目录添加到 %PATH% 环境变量中,或者在 PHP 安装目录下工作.

You need to add your PHP installation directory to the %PATH% environment variable, or work from the PHP installation directory.

将其添加到路径(最佳方法 - 为 Windows 7 编辑):

To add it to path (The best approach - Edited for Windows 7):

  • 右键单击我的电脑图标
  • 点击属性
  • 点击左侧导航栏中的Advanced system settings
  • 点击Advanced标签
  • 点击环境变量按钮
  • System Variables部分,选择Path(不区分大小写)并点击Edit按钮
  • 在字符串末尾添加分号 (;),然后添加 PHP 安装的完整文件系统路径(例如 C:Program FilesPHP代码>)
  • 继续点击OK等直到所有对话框消失
  • 关闭命令提示符并再次打开
  • 已排序
  • Right-click on a My Computer icon
  • Click Properties
  • Click Advanced system settings from the left nav
  • Click Advanced tab
  • Click Environment Variables button
  • In the System Variables section, select Path (case-insensitive) and click Edit button
  • Add a semi-colon (;) to the end of the string, then add the full file system path of your PHP installation (e.g. C:Program FilesPHP)
  • Keep clicking OK etc until all dialog boxes have disappeared
  • Close your command prompt and open it again
  • Sorted

或者,您可以在尝试运行命令之前运行 cd ,或者像 一样调用您的脚本.<脚本路径>

Alternatively, you can run cd <PHP installation path> before you try and run you command, or call your script like <FULL file system path of php.exe> <path to script>
