奇怪的回声,PHP 中的打印行为?

2021-12-28 00:00:00 printing php echo


The following code outputs 43211, why?

  echo print('3').'2'.print('4');



Your statement parses to humans as follows.


Echo a concatenated string composed of:

  1. 函数print('3')的结果,返回true,字符串化为1
  2. 字符串'2'
  3. 函数print('4')的结果,返回true,字符串化为1
  1. The result of the function print('3'), which will return true, which gets stringified to 1
  2. The string '2'
  3. The result of the function print('4'), which will return true, which gets stringified to 1


Now, the order of operations is really funny here, that can't end up with 43211 at all! Let's try a variant to figure out what's going wrong.

echo '1' . print('2') . '3' . print('4') . '5';

这产生 4523111

PHP 将其解析为:

echo '1' . (print('2' . '3')) . (print('4' . '5'));

宾果游戏!左边的 print 首先被评估,打印 '45',这给我们留下了

Bingo! The print on the left get evaluated first, printing '45', which leaves us

echo '1' . (print('2' . '3')) . '1';

然后左边的 print 被计算,所以我们现在打印了 '4523',剩下

Then the left print gets evaluated, so we've now printed '4523', leaving us with

echo '1' . '1' . '1';



Let's break down your statement of weirdness.

echo print('3') . '2' . print('4');

这将首先打印 '4',留给我们

This will print the '4' first, leaving us with

echo print('3' . '2' . '1');


Then the next print statement is evaluated, which means we've now printed '4321', leaving us with

echo '1';



I would highly suggest not echoing the result of a print, nor printing the results of an echo. Doing so is highly nonsensical to begin with.

经过进一步审查,我实际上并不完全确定 PHP 如何解析这些废话中的任何一个.我不会再去想它了,它会伤到我的大脑.

Upon further review, I'm actually not entirely sure how PHP is parsing either of these bits of nonsense. I'm not going to think about it any further, it hurts my brain.
