base64 编码的字符串可以包含空格吗?

2021-12-27 00:00:00 whitespace encoding base64 php mysql

base64 编码的字符串可能包含空格吗?具体来说,它是否可以在字符串的 end 处包含空格?

Might a base64 encoded string contain whitespace? Specifically, could it contain whitespace at the end of the string?

附注.我正在考虑整个在 VARCHAR 字段中存储字符串时,MySQL 将修剪尾随空格";-)

PS. I'm thinking about the whole "MySQL will trim trailing whitespace when storing strings in VARCHAR fields" here ;-)


不,它不能.请参阅 Base64 以了解 base64 使用的允许字符存储库,它们是字符 AZaz0-9+/(最后一个两个可能因实现而异)以及填充字符 =(但这也取决于实现,因为某些实现根本不使用填充).

No it can't. See Base64 for the allowed character repository used by base64, which are the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, + and / (the last two may differ depending on the implementation) as well as the padding character = (but that's also implementation dependent as some implementations don't use padding at all).
