PHP 短哈希,如 URL 缩短网站

2021-12-27 00:00:00 hash php

我正在寻找一个 PHP 函数,它可以从字符串或文件中创建一个简短的散列,类似于那些 URL 缩短网站,如

I am looking for a PHP function that creates a short hash out of a string or a file, similar to those URL-shortening websites like

哈希不应超过 8 个字符.

The hash should not be longer than 8 characters.


URL 缩短服务,而是使用自动递增的整数值(如补充数据库 ID)并使用 Base64 或其他编码,以便为每个字符提供更多信息(64 而不是像数字一样只有 10 个).

URL shortening services rather use a auto incremented integer value (like a supplementary database ID) and encode that with Base64 or other encodings to have more information per character (64 instead of just 10 like digits).
