无法通过 php PDO 中的引用错误传递参数 2

2021-12-26 00:00:00 php pdo

我收到错误:无法通过引用传递参数 2.....

I am getting the error: Cannot pass parameter 2 by reference in.....


$stmt1->bindParam(':value', $_SESSION['quantity'.$i] * $_SESSION['price'.$i], PDO::PARAM_STR);   


What is wrong with code above ??


它期望第二个参数是一个可以通过引用传递的变量.假设 $stmt1 是一个 PDO 语句,作为 docs 对于 bindparam 说

It expects the second paramter to be a variable which can be passed by reference. Assuming $stmt1is a PDO statement then, as the docs for bindparam say

与 PDOStatement::bindValue() 不同,变量绑定为引用并且只会在 PDOStatement::execute() 被评估时叫.

Unlike PDOStatement::bindValue(), the variable is bound as a reference and will only be evaluated at the time that PDOStatement::execute() is called.

你的第二个参数是一个表达式 ($_SESSION['quantity'.$i] * $_SESSION['price'.$i]) 不是一个变量.由于您现在似乎想要评估表达,我想您应该使用 bindValue() 代替.

Your second param is an expression ($_SESSION['quantity'.$i] * $_SESSION['price'.$i]) not a variable. Since you appear to want to evaluate the exptression now, I guess you should used bindValue() instead.
