PDO - FETCH_CLASS - 将结果作为参数传递给构造函数
有什么办法可以将 PDO 的结果作为构造函数的参数传递?假设我有以下课程:
Is there any way, to pass results of PDO as parameters of the constructor? Let's say, I have the following class:
class Test
private $value1;
private $value2;
function __construct($val1, $val2)
$this->value1 = $val1; $this->value2 = $val2;
然后,通过 PDO 驱动程序,我从数据库中选择一些数据,让我们说:
Then, via PDO driver I select some data from DB, let's say:
SELECT price, quantity FROM stock
$results = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS|PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE, "Test");
现在,PDO 将这些值直接传递给类字段,并绕过构造函数.
Right now, PDO passess these values directly to the class fields, and bypassing the constructor.
也许我遗漏了一些东西,但我想将查询的结果传递给构造函数.构造函数不能依赖于查询,我希望即使不使用 PDO 也能实例化这个类.
Maybe I am missing something, but I want to pass results from the query to the constructor. Constructor cannot be query-dependent, I want to be able to instantiate this class even without using PDO.
[I edited this answer as my previous answer is not accurate anymore.]
FETCH_CLASS 确实会获取私有属性.请参考这个答案.
FETCH_CLASS does fetch into private properties. Please refer to this answer.