mysql 服务器在安装迁移过程中消失了错误 (laravel)

2021-12-26 00:00:00 migrate php mysql laravel pdo

所以我在我的 Laravel 文件夹上使用我的 cmd 并且我尝试这样做(php artisan migrate:install).出现了 2 个错误.

So I am using my cmd on my laravel folder and I tried to do (php artisan migrate:install). 2 errors came up.

[PDOException] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2006] MySQL 服务器消失了

[PDOException] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2006] MySQL server has gone away

  • [ErrorException] PDO::__construct(): MySQL 服务器已经消失

    [ErrorException] PDO::__construct(): MySQL server has gone away

  • 谁能解释一下我做错了什么?

    Can anyone please explain what I did wrong?


    这不是 Laravel 的问题,而是一个普遍的 MySQL 问题.可能服务器没有运行.你确定你在后台运行 MySQL 吗?

    This is not a Laravel issue, but a general MySQL Issue. Maybe the server is not running. Are you sure you're running MySQL in the background?



    Do the following checks in your system:

    1. 数据库引擎正在运行
    2. 您已经创建了数据库
    3. 您已创建用户并授予数据库权限
    4. 您已经在 Laravel 的 .env 文件中设置了用户和数据库.


    After this, try to run the migrations command again, which is:

    php artisan migrate



    Let us know if that helps :).
