尝试访问 bool 类型值的数组偏移量

2021-12-26 00:00:00 php mysql pdo
$query = $pdo -> prepare("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username =:Username");
$query->bindParam(':Username', $name);

$nameRes = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($nameRes['Username']==$_POST['username']) {
    die ("Username is already in use!");

$query = $pdo -> prepare("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email =:Email");
$query->bindParam(':Email', $email);
$query ->execute();
$emailRes = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

if ($emailRes['Email']==$_POST['email']) {
    die ("Email is already in use!");


I have this code on the registration page of my app and when Username is free to use but email is not and vice versa I get this

注意:尝试访问 bool 类型值的数组偏移量

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool

好的,结果返回false,但在这种情况下该怎么办?注意:这是在 php v7.4 上,同样的事情在 v7.3 上工作

Ok the result is returning false but what to do in this situation? Note: This is on php v7.4 this same thing was working on v7.3




The easiest way to solve this error is to check if the database returned anything first.

$emailRes = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// VVV - Here I am checking if there was anything returned and then I check the condition
if($emailRes && $emailRes['Email']==$_POST['email']) {
    // ...


If you don't care whether the database returned anything, then you can simply provide a default value. For example:

$emailRes = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$email = $emailRes['Email'] ?? ''; // default: empty string

使用 PDO 检查 DB 中是否存在的正确方法是:

The correct way to check for existance in DB using PDO is:

$query = $pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users WHERE Username =:Username");
$query->execute([':Username' => $name]);
if ($query->fetchColumn()) {
    throw new Exception("Username is already in use!");

$query = $pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users WHERE Email =:Email");
$query->execute([':Email' => $email]);
if ($query->fetchColumn()) {
    throw new Exception("Email is already in use!");

我没有在 PHP 中获取行并再次进行比较,而是从数据库中获取匹配行的计数,并将该计数用作 if 语句中的布尔值.fetchColumn() 将从第一行获取单列,如果我使用 COUNT(*) 我知道总会有一行.

Instead of fetching the row and doing the comparison again in PHP I am fetching a count of matching rows from the database and I use that count as a boolean in the if statement. fetchColumn() will fetch a single column from the first row and if I use COUNT(*) I know there will always be one row.


You can also do it in one query:

$query = $pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users WHERE Username =:Username OR  Email =:Email");
$query->execute([':Username' => $name, ':Email' => $email]);
if ($query->fetchColumn()) {
    throw new Exception("Username or email is already in use!");
