
2021-12-26 00:00:00 while-loop php javascript

下午.下面的代码工作得很好,但是,我需要将 php sql 数组的每一行拉出并放入脚本 var 中.关于如何编写可以做到这一点的 while 循环的任何想法?感谢您的帮助

Afternoon all. The code below works perfectly, however, I need to pull each row of the php sql array out and into the script var. Any ideas on how to write a while loop that could do this? Thanks for any help

 var enableDays = ["<?php echo mysql_result($result, 0, 'date'); ?>"];

 enableDays.push("<?php echo mysql_result($result, 1, 'date'); ?>");


$rows = array();

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
    $rows[] = $row;

    var enableDays = [<?php echo json_encode($rows); ?>];



您可以使用 mysqli_fetch_assoc 获取行,然后将其编码为 JSON:

You can get the rows using mysqli_fetch_assoc and then encode it to JSON:

$rows = array();

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $rows[] = $row;

var enableDays = <?php echo json_encode($rows); ?>;
