
2021-12-26 00:00:00 ffmpeg thumbnails imagemagick php

假设用户上传了一个 .txt 或 .php 文件,我想为其生成一个 .png 缩略图.有没有一种简单的方法可以做到这一点,不需要我打开文件并将其内容写入新的 .png 中?我有 ImageMagick 和 FFmpeg 可用,一定有办法利用它,但我一直在寻找,但还没有运气.

Suppose a user uploads a .txt or .php file, and I want to generate a .png thumbnail for it. Is there a simple way of doing it, that doesn't require me to open the file and write its contents into a new .png? I have ImageMagick and FFmpeg available, there must be a way to take advantage of that, but I've been looking a lot and no luck yet.




 ffmpeg -video_size 640x480 -chars_per_frame 60000 -i in.txt -frames:v 1 out.png


  • 默认情况下,它每帧渲染 6000 个字符,因此它可能无法绘制所有文本.您可以使用 -chars_per_frame 和/或 -framerate 输入选项更改此设置.默认帧率为 25.

  • By default it renders 6000 characters per frame, so it may not draw all of your text. You can change this with the -chars_per_frame and/or -framerate input options. Default frame rate is 25.


The text will not be automatically word wrapped so you will have to add line breaks for the text to fit your output video size.
