复制在 stackoverflow 上编写的步骤以在 wamp 上安装 FFMPEG 不起作用

2021-12-26 00:00:00 ffmpeg php

我正在研究将 youtube 视频转换为 mp3 格式的项目,发现这也可以在 wamp 服务器上安装 ffmpeg


php_ffmpeg.dll 文件已损坏或损坏,您需要一个新的或更新的文件.只需下载并替换它.azzerti.free.fr/php_ffmpeg_win32.zip

I'm working on project for converting youtube videos into mp3 format and found this also to install ffmpeg on wamp server Install FFMPEG on WAMP and try other links also but ffmpeg extension is not installing so I also checked it at phpinfo to confirm its installed or not but not installed and I've windows 7 64, wampserver 2.4, apache 2.4.4 and php version is 5.4.12 I don't know what am I missing, I spent my 6 hours to figure out but extension of ffmpeg is not installed yet please tell me what am I doing wrong?

Now after that I'm getting popup message twice when I start wamp server `PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library

c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.12/ext/php_ffmpeg.dll' - %1 is not a valid Win32 application.


the php_ffmpeg.dll file is corrupt or damaged and you need a new or updated one. just download and replace it. azzerti.free.fr/php_ffmpeg_win32.zip
