在 PHP 中是否可以防止“致命错误:调用未定义的函数"?

2021-12-26 00:00:00 error-handling undefined php fatal-error

在 PHP 中,有什么方法可以忽略未定义的函数,而不是抛出在浏览器中可见的致命错误?—即,致命错误:调用未定义的函数>


if (function_exists('my_function')) {//在这里使用 my_function();}


没有.致命错误是致命的.即使您要编写自己的错误处理程序或使用 @ 错误抑制运算符,E_FATAL 错误仍会导致脚本停止执行.

处理这个问题的唯一方法是使用 function_exists()(可能还有 is_callable() 为很好的措施)如上面的例子.


EDIT - php7 改变了这种行为,未定义的函数/方法是可捕获的异常.

In PHP, is there any way that I can ignore functions that are undefined instead of throwing a fatal error that is visible in the browser?—i.e., Fatal error: Call to undefined function

I know that there is the practice of wrapping all custom functions in a conditional as below, but is there a programmatic way to get this effect?

if (function_exists('my_function')) { 

   // use my_function() here;



No. Fatal errors are fatal. Even if you were to write your own error handler or use the @ error suppression operator, E_FATAL errors will still cause the script to halt execution.

The only way to handle this is to use function_exists() (and possibly is_callable() for good measure) as in your example above.

It's always a better idea to code defensively around a potential (probable?) error than it is to just let the error happen and deal with it later anyway.

EDIT - php7 has changed this behavior, and undefined functions/methods are catchable exceptions.
