PHP:自定义错误处理程序 - 处理解析 &致命错误

我如何处理解析 &使用自定义错误处理程序的致命错误?

How can i handle parse & fatal errors using a custom error handler?



Simple Answer: You can't. See the manual:

以下错误类型不能使用用户定义的函数处理:E_ERROR、E_PARSE、E_CORE_ERROR、E_CORE_WARNING、E_COMPILE_ERROR、E_COMPILE_WARNING,以及大部分E_STRICT 在文件中提出,其中调用 set_error_handler().

The following error types cannot be handled with a user defined function: E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_CORE_WARNING, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_WARNING, and most of E_STRICT raised in the file where set_error_handler() is called.

对于所有其他错误,您可以使用 set_error_handler()

For every other error, you can use set_error_handler()


Since it seems, that there are some discussions on this topic, with regards to using register_shutdown_function, we should take a look at the definition of handling: To me, handling an error means catching the error and reacting in a way that is "nice" for the user and the underlying data (databases, files, web services, etc.).


Using register_shutdown_function you cannot handle an error from within the code where it was called, meaning the code would still stop working at the point where the error occurs. You can, however, present the user with an error message instead of a white page, but you cannot, for example, roll back anything that your code did prior to failing.
