使用 PDO 处理错误的最佳实践


寻找使用 PDO 进行错误处理的最佳实践.我在网站、SO、书籍等上找到的选项

Finding best practice for error handling using PDO. The options I have found on websites, SO, books, etc.

  1. 很多网站都说您应该在 catch 块中回显错误消息.
  2. SO 上的大量用户表示,由于安全风险,您永远不应回显错误消息.
  3. 其他人建议将其记录到文档根目录之外的日志文件中.
  4. 有些使用错误处理将其记录到 SQL 表中.

有多种选项,很容易被淹没在您应该使用的选项中.当然,您可以使用 MVC 框架并让它为您处理错误日志,但是如果您不使用 MVC,它会是什么样子.

With a multitude of options, it gets quite easy to drown into what option you should be using. Of course you could use a MVC framework and let it handle error logging for you, but how would it look like if you are not using MVC.


As I have understood it error handling should like the following in development environment:

display_errors = On
display_startup_errors = On
error_reporting = -1
log_errors = On

或者如果无法访问 php.ini 文件:

Or if no access is available to the php.ini file:

ini_set("display_errors", 1);


display_errors = Off
display_startup_errors = Off
error_reporting = E_ALL
log_errors = On

或者如果无法访问 php.ini 文件:

Or if no access is available to the php.ini file:



To take an example of a database connection in production environment.


  // Error handling

  // Get credentials from outside document root

  // Tests connection to database
  try {
    $dbh = new PDO(
    // Prevents emulated prepares and activates error handling
    $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
  // Catches errors raised by PDO
  catch (PDOException $e) {
    // Prints error messages to file
    file_put_contents('/home/ubuntu/errors.log', 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
    // Shows generic error message to user
    header('Location: 404.php');


  • 在 PHP 中一般处理错误的最佳做法是什么?
  • 在 catch 块中处理错误的最佳做法是什么?


这是一个很好的问题,但一开始就有一个错误的前提:您将 PDO 的错误报告与站点范围的错误报告分开了.这毫无意义:PDO 错误在各个方面都与其他错误相同 - 文件系统错误、HTTP 错误等等.因此,没有理由建立仅限 PDO 的错误报告.您只需要正确设置站点范围的错误报告.

That's a very good question, but there is one wrong premise at the very beginning: you are taking error reporting for PDO separated from site-wide error reporting. Which makes very little sense: PDO errors in every way are the same as other errors - filesystem errors, HTTP errors, and so on. Thus, there is no reason in establishing PDO-only error reporting. All you need is to properly set site-wide error reporting.

还有一个关于 php.ini 不可访问性的错误假设:您始终可以使用 ini_set() 函数设置任何配置指令.因此,将 error_reporting 设置为灾难性级别 0 的原因不止于此.

There is also one wrong assumption regarding php.ini inaccessibility: you can always set any configuration directive using ini_set() function. Thus, here is not a single reason in setting error_reporting to disastrous level of 0.


To answer the rest of your questions all you need is a little common sense.

很多网站都说您应该在 catch 块中回显错误消息.SO 上的大量用户表示,由于安全风险,您永远不应该回显错误消息.

A great number of websites say you should echo your error messages in your catch block. A large number of users on SO say that you should never echo error messages due to security risks.


What you think yourself? Does it any good showing system error messages to user? Does it any good showing system internals to a malicious user?


Others are recommending logging it to a log file outside the document root.


有些使用错误处理将其记录到 SQL 表中.

Some use error handling to log it to a SQL table.


Don't you think it's quite contradicting idea - to log database errors into database?

在 PHP 中一般处理错误的最佳做法是什么?

What is the best practice for handling errors in general in PHP?


You have shown it already: display in dev and log in prod. All is controlled site-wide through few simple configuration options.

在 catch 块中处理错误的最佳做法是什么?

What is the best practice for handling errors in the catch-block?

根本不要使用 try-catch 块来报告错误.您不会为应用中的每个查询编写带有友好错误消息的 catch 块strong>,正如另一个答案中所建议的那样,是吗?

NOT to use try-catch block for error reporting at all. You aren't going to write a catch block with a friendly error message for the every query in your app, as it's suggested in the other answer, are you?


  // Error handling

  // Get credentials from outside document root

  // Tests connection to database
    $dbh = new PDO(
    // Prevents emulated prepares and activates error handling
    $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);


Now to the question you voiced in the comment.

自定义错误屏幕是另一回事,您的代码尤其糟糕.它既不应该是 404 错误,也不应该使用 HTTP 重定向(这对 SEO 来说非常糟糕).

A custom error screen is a very different matter and your code is especially bad with it. Neither it should be a 404 error nor an HTTP redirect have to be used (thats very bad for SEO).

要创建自定义错误页面,您必须使用您的网络服务器功能(首选)或 PHP 脚本中的错误处理程序.

To create a custom error page you have to use either your web-server features (preferred) or an error handler in PHP script.

当遇到致命错误(未捕获异常就是其中之一)时,PHP 响应的不是 200 OK HTTP 状态而是 5xx 状态.每个网络服务器都可以捕获此状态并显示相应的错误页面.例如.对于 Apache,它将是

When encountering a fatal error (and uncaught exception is one), PHP responds not with 200 OK HTTP status but with 5xx status. And every web-server can catch this status and show an according error page. E.g. for Apache it would be

ErrorDocument 503 server_error.html


where you can write whatever excuses you want.

或者你可以在 PHP 中设置一个自定义的错误处理程序来处理所有的 PHP 错误,一个例子可以在我写的关于这个问题的文章中看到:try..catch 的(im)正确使用.

Or you can set up a custom error handler in PHP which would handle all PHP errors as well, an example can be seen in the article I wrote on the matter: The (im)proper use of try..catch.
