使用 register_shutdown_function() 处理 PHP 中的致命错误

2021-12-26 00:00:00 error-handling php fatal-error

根据 对此答案的评论 可以通过 set_error_handler() 捕获的noreferrer">关闭函数.

According to the comment on this answer it is possible to catch Fatal Errors through a shutdown function which cannot be caught using set_error_handler().


However, I couldn't find out how to determine if the shutdown has occured due to a fatal error or due to the script reaching its end.


Additionally, the debug backtrace functions seem to be defunct in the shutdown function, making it pretty worthless for logging the stack trace where the Fatal Error occured.


So my question is: what's the best way to react on Fatal Errors (especially undefined function calls) while keeping the ability to create a proper backtrace?



function shutdown() {
    $error = error_get_last();
    if ($error['type'] === E_ERROR) {
        // fatal error has occured


// throws a LogicException which is not caught, so triggers a E_ERROR

但是,您可能已经知道了,但只是为了确保:您无法以任何方式从 E_ERROR 中恢复.

However, you probably know it already, but just to make sure: you can't recover from a E_ERROR in any way.

至于回溯,你不能...... :(在大多数致命错误的情况下,尤其是未定义函数错误,你并不真正需要它.精确定位文件/行它发生的地方就足够了.在这种情况下,回溯无关紧要.

As for the backtrace, you can't... :( In most cases of a fatal error, especially Undefined function errors, you don't really need it. Pinpointing the file/line where it occured is enough. The backtrace is irrelevant in that case.
