
2021-12-26 00:00:00 foreach php echo

我的应用程序中有一个 foreach 语句,用于回显我的数据库结果列表:

';回声 $fp['project_name'];回声'</div>';}?>


每隔三个结果,给 div 一个不同的类.我怎样才能做到这一点?


您可以使用计数器和 模数/模数运算符如下:

I have a foreach statement in my app that echos a list of my database results:


foreach($featured_projects as $fp) {
  echo '<div class="result">';
  echo $fp['project_name'];
  echo '</div>';


I would like to:

On every third result, give the div a different class. How can I achieve this?


You can use a counter and the modulo/modulus operator as per below:


// control variable
$counter = 0;

foreach($featured_projects as $fp) {

    // reset the variable
    $class = '';

    // on every third result, set the variable value
    if(++$counter % 3 === 0) {
        $class = ' third';

    // your code with the variable that holds the desirable CSS class name
    echo '<div class="result' . $class . '">';
    echo $fp['project_name'];
    echo '</div>';

