Laravel 5.2 - 左加入 DB::Raw 不起作用?

2021-12-26 00:00:00 json php mysql laravel-5.2 laravel-eloquent

我有以下查询,我尝试使用 DB::Raw() 进行左连接,但出现错误:

I have the following query where I'm trying to use DB::Raw() for the left join but I'm getting error:

IlluminateDatabaseQueryBuilder::leftJoin() 缺少参数 2

Missing argument 2 for IlluminateDatabaseQueryBuilder::leftJoin()


return $this->model->from('alerts as a')
    ->leftJoin(DB::Raw("locations as l on = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(a.criteria, '$.locationId'))"))
    ->leftJoin(DB::Raw("industries as i on find_in_set(, JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(a.criteria, '$.industries')))"))
    ->where('user_id', '=', $userId)
        , a.criteria
        , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT( SEPARATOR ', ') as 'Industries'
            ->orderBy('a.created_at', 'desc');


leftJoin 函数声明如下:

 public function leftJoin($table, $first, $operator = null, $second = null)


You want to pass your raw functions in as the second column:

return $this->model->from('alerts as a')
                   ->leftJoin('locations AS l', '', '=', DB::Raw("JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(a.criteria, '$.locationId'))"))
                   ->leftJoin('industries as i', function($join){
                        $join->on(DB::raw("find_in_set(, JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(a.criteria,  '$.industries')))",DB::raw(''),DB::raw(''))); 

                   ->where('user_id', '=', $userId)
                             , a.criteria
                             , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT( SEPARATOR ', ') as 'Industries'")
                   ->orderBy('a.created_at', 'desc');

find_in_set 建议来自这里.

The find_in_set suggestion came from here.

我不确定 '$.locationId' 是什么,但如果它是一个变量,你可以将它作为一个数组中的参数作为 DB 上的第二个参数传递::raw() 函数.

I'm not sure what '$.locationId' is, but if it's a variable, you can pass that along as a parameter within an array as the second parameter on the DB::raw() function.
