当同一模型也存在 HasMany 关系时,如何更新 HasOne 关系?

2021-12-26 00:00:00 php laravel eloquent

我正在尝试在 Eloquent 中定义相同的两个模型之间的 HasMany 和 HasOne 关系.


公共函数contacts(){返回 $this->hasMany(Contact::class);}

同样,我的 Contact 类反映了这种关系:

公共函数组织(){返回 $this->belongsTo(Organization::class);}

而且,每个组织都有一个主要"联系人.我正在使用表列 organizations.primary_contact_id 来确定哪个:

公共函数primaryContact(){返回 $this->hasOne(Contact::class, 'id', 'primary_contact_id');}

从这里开始,我被卡住了.Contact 中的反向关系已经存在,所以我写了另一个我认为可以解决问题的函数,计算如果我更新了父表中的值,Eloquent 自然会在contacts 表中获取相应的记录,因为我定义了关系:

/*** @param AppContact*/公共函数 setPrimaryContact($contact){$this->primary_contact_id = $contact->id;$this->save;}


<预><代码>>>>$org = 组织::查找(17)=>应用组织 {#2923编号:17,name: "测试组织",primary_contact_id: 33,}>>>$alice= $org->primaryContact=>应用联系{#2938编号:33,组织 ID:17,fname: "爱丽丝",lname: "方丈",}>>>$bob = 联系人::查找(34)=>应用联系{#2939编号:34,组织 ID:17,fname: "鲍勃",lname: "面包师",}>>>$org->setPrimaryContact($bob)=>空值>>>$org=>应用组织 {#2923编号:17,name: "测试组织",primary_contact_id: 34,主要联系人:AppContact {#2938编号:33,组织 ID:17,fname: "爱丽丝",lname: "方丈",},}

您可以看到 setPrimaryContact($bob) 执行得很好,因为 primary_contact_id 已更新为 Bob 的 id,但是 primaryContact 仍然列出 Alice.

为什么 primaryContact 没有返回正确的对象?


  • 您的 setPrimaryContact 方法不会更新您的表,因为您调用的是 $this->save,而不是 $this->save(), save 是一个方法
  • $org->setPrimaryContact($bob)之后,你应该调用$org->primaryContact->refresh() 以获取更新的记录.

I'm trying to define both a HasMany and HasOne relationship between the same two models in Eloquent.

My Organization class has many Contacts:

public function contacts()
    return $this->hasMany(Contact::class);

And likewise, my Contact class reflects this relationship:

public function organization()
    return $this->belongsTo(Organization::class);

But also, each Organization has exactly one "primary" Contact. I am using a table column organizations.primary_contact_id to identify which one:

public function primaryContact()
    return $this->hasOne(Contact::class, 'id', 'primary_contact_id');

From here, I'm stuck. The reverse relationship in Contact already exists, so I wrote another function I thought would do the trick, figuring if I updated the value in the parent table, Eloquent would naturally fetch the corresponding record in the contacts table since I defined the relationship:

 * @param AppContact
public function setPrimaryContact($contact)
    $this->primary_contact_id = $contact->id;

But it doesn't:

>>> $org = Organization::find(17)
=> AppOrganization {#2923
     id: 17,
     name: "Test Org",
     primary_contact_id: 33,
>>> $alice= $org->primaryContact
=> AppContact {#2938
     id: 33,
     organization_id: 17,
     fname: "Alice",
     lname: "Abbot",
>>> $bob = Contact::find(34)
=> AppContact {#2939
     id: 34,
     organization_id: 17,
     fname: "Bob",
     lname: "Baker",
>>> $org->setPrimaryContact($bob)
=> null
>>> $org
=> AppOrganization {#2923
     id: 17,
     name: "Test Org",
     primary_contact_id: 34,
     primaryContact: AppContact {#2938
       id: 33,
       organization_id: 17,
       fname: "Alice",
       lname: "Abbot",

You can see setPrimaryContact($bob) executed fine, as primary_contact_id got updated to Bob's id, but primaryContact still lists Alice.

Why is primaryContact not returning the correct object?


  • Your setPrimaryContact method won't update your table, because you call $this->save, not $this->save(), save is a method
  • After $org->setPrimaryContact($bob), you should call $org-> primaryContact->refresh() to get the updated record.
