Laravel eloquent 集合上的 Array_unique

2021-12-26 00:00:00 php laravel laravel-4 eloquent array-unique

不确定这是否可行,但我尝试在我拥有的一组项目上运行 array_unique,以删除重复项.虽然我无法让它工作.

Not sure if this is possible but im trying to run array_unique over a collection of items i have, to remove duplicates. Although i cannot get it working.


    // init models
    $jobs = Job::search();
    $countries = $jobs->get()->map(function( $job ) {

        return $job->country;
    $countries = array_unique( $countries->toArray() );


although this gets a "Array to string conversion" error


您可以使用 distinctgroup by 在您的选择子句中.但是,如果您真的需要在对象数组上具有唯一值,您可以执行以下操作:

You can have unique values in your DB results using distinct or group by in your select clause. But, if you really need to have unique values over an array of object you can do the following:

$uniques = array();
foreach ($countries as $c) {
    $uniques[$c->code] = $c; // Get unique country by code.

