在 Laravel 5 中使用模型事件监听器

2021-12-26 00:00:00 php laravel eloquent

我想确保我在 Laravel 5 中正确使用了模型事件侦听器,并且我没有搞砸任何事情(侦听器与处理程序?).我的解决方案工作正常,但我不知道我是否按照 Laravel 5 的概念和约定开发.

I would like to make sure that I correctly used model events listeners in Laravel 5 and I didn't messed up nothing (listener vs handler?). My solution works fine, but I wonder if I developed according to concept and convention of Laravel 5.

目标:保存模型时,始终将 $issue->status_id 设置为某个值.

Goal: Always set $issue->status_id on some value when model is saving.

在 appProvidersEventServiceProvider.php 中

In appProvidersEventServiceProvider.php

<?php namespace AppProviders;


class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {


    public function boot(DispatcherContract $events)



在 appHandlersEventsSetIssueStatus.php 中

In appHandlersEventsSetIssueStatus.php

<?php namespace AppHandlersEvents;


class SetIssueStatus {


    public function handle(Issue $issue)
        if (something)
            $issueStatus = IssueStatus::where(somethingElse)->firstOrFail();
            $issueStatus = IssueStatus::where(somethingAnother)->firstOrFail();

        // issue_status() is One-to-One relations with IssueType (belongsTo)





As you said you have a working version and it's a valid one, now that's up to you to figure out if it's ok for you.


Just to clarify I'm not saying that these are better solutions, they are just a valid different way.

由于您所做的是特定于 Issue 模型的,或者至少它似乎不是一个通用事件,因此您可以直接在您的模型上进行设置

Since what you are doing is specific to the Issue model or at least it doesn't seem to be a generic event, you could set it up on your model directly

<?php namespace App;

use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;
use IssueStatus;

class Issue extends Model {

    protected static function boot()

            if (something)
                $issueStatus = IssueStatus::where(somethingElse)->firstOrFail();
                $issueStatus = IssueStatus::where(somethingAnother)->firstOrFail();

            // issue_status() is One-to-One relations with IssueType (belongsTo)



but if your event is indeed a generic one and you want to use it across multiple Models, you could achieve the same thing. You just need to extract the code from the model and use traits (like you do with soft deletes)

首先,我们创建我们的 trait(在本例中,我们在应用程序的根目录上创建)并从模型中提取我之前编写的代码:

First we create our trait(in this case we created on the root of our App) and extract the code, I wrote before, from the model:

<?php namespace App

use IssueStatus;

trait IssueStatusSetter
    protected static function boot()

            if (something)
                $issueStatus = IssueStatus::where(somethingElse)->firstOrFail();
                $issueStatus = IssueStatus::where(somethingAnother)->firstOrFail();

            // issue_status() is One-to-One relations with IssueType (belongsTo)



Now on the models where you want to use it, you just import the trait and declare it's use:

<?php namespace App;

use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;
use IssueStatusSetter;

class Issue extends Model {

    use IssueStatusSetter;



Now this last option I showed you it's a generic option you have that you could apply to every Model by just declaring it's use on the top of your model.
