Laravel 简单月份选择

2021-12-26 00:00:00 frameworks php mysql laravel eloquent

我尝试从日期字段fechas"(日期时间类型)中检索月份,其中使用 SQL 子句 MONTH 进行测试不起作用...感谢回复

y tried retrieve month from date field "fechas" (datetime type) where testing with SQL clause MONTH not works... thanks for replies

            $data = DB::table("ordenes")
              ->select(array('*', DB::raw('((cant_ped)*(precio_unit)) as sum_pedidos'), DB::raw('((cant_pend)*(precio_unit)) as sum_pends'), DB::raw('((cant_rec)*(precio_unit)) as sum_recibidos'), DB::raw('(((cant_pend)*(precio_unit)) + ((cant_rec)*(precio_unit))) as sum_importe')))
              ->where('cod_prov', '<>', 0)

              ///////////// line ERROR
              ->where('MONTH(fecha)', '=', '06')

              ///////->where('MONTH(fecha)', '=', '2014-06-20') ///test OK



你可以使用隐藏 gem whereMonth:

You could use the hide gem whereMonth:

    ->whereMonth('fecha', '=', '06')

我强烈建议您阅读 Builder.php 源代码以搜索其他 gem.:)

I highly recommend to you read the Builder.php source to search for another gems. :)
