Laravel - 批量分配异常错误

2021-12-26 00:00:00 php laravel laravel-4 eloquent


I am trying to save multiple rows to a table, however, I am presented with a Mass Assignment Error.



    $criteria_id = $criteria->id;

     foreach(Input::get('bedrooms') as $bedroom){
            'criteria_id' => $criteria->id,
            'bedroom' => $bedroom,
        $bedroom = new Bedroom($new_bedroom);


所以没有任何不正确的拼写.criteria_id 来自最近保存的标准的变量(参见上面 forloop 的代码).

so there isn't any incorrect spelling. The criteria_id comes from the variable from the recently saved criteria (see code above forloop).



为了能够通过将属性传递给模型的构造函数来设置属性,您需要在 $fillable 阵列.如文档

To be able to set properties by passing them to the model's constructor, you need to list all the properties you need in the $fillable array. As mentioned in the Docs

class Bedroom extends Eloquent {
    protected $fillable = array('criteria_id', 'bedroom');

如果需要,您也可以使用 create 方法.它创建了一个新模型并直接保存:

Also you can use the create method if you want. It creates a new model and saves it directly:

foreach(Input::get('bedrooms') as $bedroom){
        'criteria_id' => $criteria->id,
        'bedroom' => $bedroom,
    $bedroom = Bedroom::create($new_bedroom);
