laravel 挂钩到 Eloquent 前和后保存每个模型

2021-12-26 00:00:00 php laravel eloquent

我是 Laravel 和 ORM 的新手.我怎么能在保存任何模型之前和之后连接到 Eloquent 来触发代码?我知道我可以对特定模型执行以下操作,但我正在研究如何为每个模型执行此操作.

I'm new to Laravel and ORM's in general. How could i hook into Eloquent to fire code before and after a save of any model? I know i can do the following for specific models but i'm looking at figuring out how to do this for every model.

class Page extends Eloquent {

   public function save()
      // before save code 
      // after save code


您可以创建一个扩展 eloquent 的 BaseModel 类,然后让您的所有模型扩展 BaseModel.举个例子:

You can create a BaseModel class that extends eloquent and then have all your models extend BaseModel. Here's an example:

abstract class Elegant extends Eloquent{

/* Save ****************************/
public function preNew() {}
public function postNew() {}
public function preSave() { return true; }
public function postSave() {}
public function save($validate=true, $preSave=null, $postSave=null)
    $newRecord = !$this->exists;
    if ($validate)
        if (!$this->valid()) return false;

    $before = is_null($preSave) ? $this->preSave() : $preSave($this);
      // check before & valid, then pass to parent
    $success = ($before) ? parent::save() : false;
    if ($success)
        is_null($postSave) ? $this->postSave() : $postSave($this);
    return $success;
public function onForceSave(){}
public function forceSave($validate=true, $rules=array(), $messages=array(), $onForceSave=null)
    if ($validate)
        $this->valid($rules, $messages);
     $before = is_null($onForceSave) ? $this->onForceSave() : $onForceSave($this);  // execute onForceSave
     return $before ? parent::save() : false; // save regardless of the result of validation

/** Soft Delete ****************************/
public function preSoftDelete() {  return true;  }
public function postSoftDelete()  { }
public function softDelete($val = true, $preSoftDelete=null, $postSoftDelete=null)
    if ($this->exists)
        $before = is_null($preSoftDelete) ? $this->preSoftDelete() : $preSoftDelete($this);
        $success = null;
        if($before) {
            $this->set_attribute(static::$softDelete, $val);
            $success = $this->save(false);
            $success = false;
        if ($success)
            is_null($postSoftDelete) ? $this->postSoftDelete() : $postSoftDelete($this);
        return $success;

/** Hard Delete ****************************/
public function preDelete()  { return true;}
public function postDelete(){}
public function delete( $preDelete=null, $postDelete=null)
    if ($this->exists)
        $before = is_null($preDelete) ? $this->preDelete() : $preDelete($this);
        $success = ($before) ? parent::delete() : false;
        if ($success)
            is_null($postDelete) ? $this->postDelete() : $postDelete($this);
        return $success;
