Laravel Eloquent 关于关系的分页

2021-12-26 00:00:00 php laravel eloquent

我正在尝试为这样的 Eloquent 关系分页:

I am trying to paginate a Eloquent relationship like this:

 $query = Product::find(1)->options()->paginate();


Fatal error: Call to a member function getCurrentPage() on a non-object

我已经确认代码 $query = Product::find(1)->options() 返回一个选项集合.$query 对象似乎是 hasMany 类型.以下是我正在使用的模型类.

I have confirmed that the code $query = Product::find(1)->options() returns a collection of options. The $query object seems to be of type hasMany. Below are the model classes I am using.

class Product extends Eloquent

    protected $table = 'products';

    public function options ()
        return $this->hasMany('ProductOption', 'product_id');

class ProductOption extends Eloquent
    protected $table = 'product_options';

    public function product()
        return $this->belongsTo('Product', 'product_id');

eloquent 不返回关系的分页结果吗?

Does eloquent not return paginated results for relationships?



You can not lazy load relational pagination like that, instead in your Product Model put the following function below your options has many relationship

public function getOptionsPaginatedAttribute()
    return $this->options()->paginate(10);


