PHP OpenID 库,允许 facebook/openid/twitter 等;

2021-12-25 00:00:00 twitter php facebook login openid

我正在寻找一个已经完成的 openid 登录库,我可以将它插入"到我的应用程序中,并允许使用您在许多易于访问的网站上看到的任何 openid、facebook、twitter 方法进行访问.

I am looking for an already completed openid login library that I can just 'plug' into my application and allow for access using any of the openid, facebook, twitter, methods that you would see on many well accessible websites.

一个例子是 的登录:

An example would be's login:

我想要一个我不需要花很多时间的,因为我希望我的用户可以使用这种可访问性,但我不想牺牲我的大部分开发时间来修补它或解决错误使用 facebook 工作,而不是 twitter 等;

I would like one that I don't have to spend lots of time on, as I would like this accessibility for my users but I do not wish to sacrifice a large portion of my development tinkering with it, or working out bugs with facebook working, and not twitter, etc;



HybridAuth,一个免费和开源的基于 Web 的 PHP 社交网络服务项目,使用户能够使用他们的 OpenID、Twitter、Facebook、MySpaceID、Google、AOL、Friendster 或 Vimeo 帐户.

HybridAuth, a free and open source web-based PHP Social Networking service project enables users to authenticate in your blog, Web site or application using their OpenID, Twitter, Facebook, MySpaceID, Google, AOL, Friendster or Vimeo Accounts.

HybridAuth 是一个简单的 SSO PHP 库.

HybridAuth is one and simple SSO PHP Library.
