从 Twitter 个人资料中检索电子邮件

2021-12-25 00:00:00 oauth rest twitter php

嗯,在网上搜索了一些关于如何检索用户电子邮件地址后,简短的回答是 - 没有办法.

Huh, after some searches on the net on how to retrieve user email address, the short answer is - there is no way.


But, is there really no way of fetching user email? A hacky one or something?

它不是用于垃圾邮件或类似的东西,但是,我的应用程序本地用户存储使用电子邮件作为其核心 ID,我必须比较该特定 twitter 帐户是否已在数据库中注册.我正在使用这种技术进行 facebook 身份验证,它可以完美运行,但客户端也需要 twitter 登录,但我不知道如何在不查看电子邮件的情况下进行比较.

It's not meant for spamming or stuff like that, but, my application local user storage uses email as it's core ID, and I have to compare if that particular twitter account is already registered in database or not. I'm using this technique for facebook authentication and it works flawlessly, but client demands twitter login too, but I have no idea how could I compare it without looking at emails.


P.S. I hope I've made myself clear enough, if not, don't hesitate to ask, this is actually pretty important at the moment.



完全没有办法.它不在 API 中,也不在任何要抓取的页面上.该电子邮件在 Twitter 上无处可见,也无法从 Twitter 获取.

There is absolutely no way at all. It is not in the API, it is not on any pages to be scraped. The email appears nowhere on Twitter and cannot be obtained from Twitter.
