通过 PHP 检查浏览器的语言?

2021-12-25 00:00:00 browser php

如何通过 PHP 检查用户浏览器的语言?

How can I check the language of user's browser by PHP?


I need to show a different page for people in US and in UK.


if(ereg("us", $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]))


I run a specific code for people in US and for them in UK.


可能只是区分大小写的问题;eregi('en-us') 或 preg_match('/en-us/i') 应该已经找到了.

Likely just a case sensitivity issue; eregi('en-us') or preg_match('/en-us/i') should have picked it up.


However, just looking for ‘en-us’ in the header may get it wrong sometimes, in particular when both the US and UK languages are listed. "Accept-Language" is actually quite a complicated header, which really you'd want a proper parser for.

如果你有 PECL,整个工作已经为你完成:http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.http-negotiate-language.php

If you have PECL the whole job is already done for you: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.http-negotiate-language.php

我不知道为什么其他答案都用于 User-Agent 标头;这完全是假的.User-Agent 没有被强制要求在任何特定的地方保存语言值,对于某些浏览器(例如 Opera 和一些我从未听说过的名为Internet Explorer"的小浏览器),它根本不会.它确实包含一种语言,这将是浏览器构建所使用的语言,而不是您应该查看的用户首选语言.(此设置将默认为构建语言,但用户可以通过首选项 UI 进行自定义.)

I don't know why the other answers are going for the User-Agent header; this is utterly bogus. User-Agent is not mandated to hold a language value in any particular place, and for some browsers (eg. Opera, and some minor browser I've never heard of called ‘Internet Explorer’) it will not at all. Where it does contain a language, that'll be the of language the browser build was installed in, not the user's preferred language which is what you should be looking at. (This setting will default to the build language, but can be customised by the user from the preferences UI.)
