mysqli 函数 bind_result、store_result 和 fetch 之间有什么区别?

2021-12-25 00:00:00 php mysqli prepared-statement


I'm running into problems knowing when and what to call after mysqli_stmt_execute
How do you know when to call

  1. mysqli_stmt_bind_result
  2. mysqli_stmt_store_result
  3. mysqli_stmt_fetch


mysqli_stmt_bind_result() 告诉 mysqli 当你获取一行时你想填充哪个变量,但它没有 fetch() 任何东西.在调用 fetch 之前,必须调用一次.

mysqli_stmt_bind_result() tells mysqli which variable you want to be populate when you fetch a row, but it doesn't fetch() anything yet. This is necessary to call once, before you call fetch.

mysqli_stmt_store_result() 设置一个可选行为,以便客户端在您 fetch() 第一行时下载所有行,并将整个结果集缓存在客户端(即 PHP).随后的 fetch() 调用将简单地迭代这个客户端缓存的结果集.但是设置这个选项本身也不会导致 fetch() .此功能完全可选.

mysqli_stmt_store_result() sets an optional behavior so that the client downloads all rows when you fetch() the first row, and caches the whole result set in the client (i.e. PHP). Subsequent fetch() calls will simply iterate over this client-cached result set. But setting this option itself does not cause a fetch() yet either. This function is totally optional.

mysqli_stmt_fetch() 返回结果集中的下一行,并将其存储在绑定变量中.您必须在循环中为结果集的每一行调用此函数.也就是说,直到 fetch 返回 false.

mysqli_stmt_fetch() returns the next row in the result set, and causes it to be stored in a bound variable. You must call this function in a loop, for each row of the result set. That is, until the fetch returns false.
