尝试使用 MySQLi 时内存耗尽

2021-12-25 00:00:00 php mysqli

我正在使用 MysqliDb 类.

I am using MysqliDb Class from there.


当我在本地电脑上使用时,我没有任何问题.但是我昨天买了主机.我大约 5 分钟前上传了我的文件,但不起作用.我检查了我的主机并创建了 error_log 文件和这个..

When i used on local pc, i don't have any problem. But I bought host yesterday. And I uploaded my files about 5 min ago and doesn't work. I checked my host and created error_log file and this..

PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 75497472 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4294967296 bytes) in /home/(..)/MysqliDb.php on line 417



I used this code on my config file. But same didn't work.

ini_set('memory_limit', '192M');


我认为那是您在数据库中使用了 LongText.

I think that is that you are using LongText in your database.


所以在 bind_result 之前尝试mysqli::store_result.

So try to mysqli::store_result before bind_result.
