在 OOP MySQLi 中获取所有没有循环的对象

2021-12-25 00:00:00 php mysql mysqli

这是我如何使用 MySQLi 获取一条记录:

This is how I get one record with MySQLi:

$result = $db->query("...");
$image = $result->fetch_object();


Now I need to get the comments and pass it to the view. I'm doing this right now but it doesn't seem right:

$result = $db->query("...");

while ($row = $result->fetch_object())
    $comments[] = $row;

我想知道是否有办法消除循环?像有 $image = $result->fetch_object(((s))),所以我的代码看起来像:

I'm wondering if there's a way to remove the loop? Something like have $image = $result->fetch_object(((s))), so my code would look like:

$result = $db->query("...");
$comments = $result->fetch_objects();


是的.mysqli_result 类提供了一个 fetch_all 方法来做到这一点.但是,该方法只会返回关联或数字数组(或混合数组),而不返回对象.

Yes. The mysqli_result class provides a fetch_all method to do this. However, that method will only return associative or numeric arrays (or a hybrid), not objects.
