mysqli_stmt::bind_result(): 绑定变量的数量与 PHP 中准备好的语句中的字段数量不匹配

2021-12-25 00:00:00 php mysqli prepared-statement

我正在尝试进行用户名搜索 [我似乎已经完成并正在工作] 但是当您搜索用户名时,会显示有关该帐户的信息.比如我搜索了virtualAnon,他的名字和first_name等信息就会出现在他的用户名后面.

I am trying to do a username search [which I seemingly finished and working as well] but when you've searched for the username, the information about the account will show up. For example, I've searched for virtualAnon, his name and information such as first_name will show up after his username.

我试图通过替换 $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username like 来修复它?LIMIT 1"; to $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username like ?LIMIT 1"; 但在我尝试之后,错误

I've tried to fix it by replacing $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username like ? LIMIT 1"; to $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username like ? LIMIT 1"; but after I've tried that, the error

mysqli_stmt::bind_result(): 绑定变量数量不匹配PHP中准备好的语句中的字段数

mysqli_stmt::bind_result(): Number of bind variables doesn't match number of fields in prepared statement in PHP


这是用于获取用户名和数据库的 PHP 文件:

    if($_GET['keyword'] && !empty($_GET['keyword']))
        $conn = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','loginsecure'); //Connection to my database
        $keyword = $_GET['keyword'];
        $search = $_GET['keyword'];
        $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username like ? LIMIT 1";
        # When I tried to SELECT *, It gives me the error of: Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_result(): Number of bind variables doesn't match number of fields in prepared statement in ...fetch.php on line 22
        $statement = $conn->prepare($query);
        if($statement->num_rows() == 0) // so if we have 0 records acc. to keyword display no records found
            echo '<div id="item">Sorry, but there is no user "'.$search.'" found in our database :(</div>';

        else {
            $statement->bind_result($name); # There is a error i'm encountering when I try to Select * from the line 8.
            while ($statement->fetch()) //outputs the records
                echo "<div id='item'><a href="../user/username.php?username=$name">$name</a></div>";
                # It supposed to show more information about the user, by using $name['first_name'] or $name['last_name']


您遇到的问题是 mysqli_stmt::bind_result 将尝试将结果集中的每一列绑定到一个变量.这意味着您需要与列相同数量的变量.如果有两列返回,则需要将它们绑定到两个变量.

The problem that you're getting is that mysqli_stmt::bind_result will try to bind each column in the result set to a variable. Which means that you need the same amount of variables as you've got columns. If you've got two columns being returned, you need to bind them to two variables.

$statement->bind_result($name);中,你是说只有一列,所以将它绑定到$name" 而您的查询(SELECT * FROM users WHERE username like ? LIMIT 1)正在获取该表的所有列.

In $statement->bind_result($name);, you're saying "There's only going to be one column, so bind it to $name" whereas your query (SELECT * FROM users WHERE username like ? LIMIT 1) is fetching all the columns for that table.


So the solution is to only select the singular column you want in this instance. Replace

SELECT name 

