mysqli 持久连接

2021-12-25 00:00:00 php mysql mysqli

简而言之,是否有某种 mysqli_pconnect 用于高使用率的 PHP &MySQL 服务器,还是我需要坚持使用未改进的 mysql?如果是这样,他们为什么要删除它?

In short, is there some sort of mysqli_pconnect for high-usage PHP & MySQL servers, or do I need to stick with mysql unimproved? And if so, why did they remove it?


对此的支持是在 PHP 5.3 中引入的.对于此之前的版本,PDO 和 - 上帝保佑 - mysql 扩展是唯一的选择.

Support for this was introduced in PHP 5.3. For versions before this, PDO and – god forbid – the mysql extension are the only options.


与mysql扩展不同,mysqli没有提供单独的开启持久连接的功能.要打开持久连接,您必须在连接时将 p: 添加到主机名.

Unlike the mysql extension, mysqli does not provide a separate function for opening persistent connections. To open a persistent connection you must prepend p: to the hostname when connecting.
